Hoverfly Helicopters & HOFO – Helicopter Off-Shore Operations

Hoverfly Helicopters & HOFO Certification

“HOFO – Helicopter Off-Shore Operations”

Thanks to the HOFO, Hoverfly is able to fly over the most prestigious yachts.

This certification is required by Authorities to maintain the high level of safety for helicopter offshore operations established by the Member States in which most of these operations take place.

Docking mega yachts in ports and at most marinas is very difficult or even impossible due to the lack of specially dedicated facilities and large enough berths to accommodate them. A flying tender is the perfect solution to whisk guests ashore in the utmost comfort offering them a lot of advantages in terms of time and flexibility.

To learn more about our certifications visit us at https://bit.ly/2rwdKXZ

Discover also www.helicopter-yacht.luxury and www.capri-helicopters.luxury