Go beyond imagination: discover all the beauty of Capri with Hoverfly and its exclusive partner

Go beyond imagination: discover all the beauty of Capri with Hoverfly and its exclusive partner

Luxuriant, exclusive, beautiful. Capri is one of the most suggestive islands of Italy, a real pearl in the Mediterranean which in time was known, lived and loved by artists, writers, intellectuals.
Capri place of events, social life, history and culture, is a myth all over the world and every year is visited by millions of tourists.

It’s nice to see Capri in ordinary way but if you want see it in a extraordinary way, you must choose Hoverfly. There’s no other way: you must fly with us to go beyond the imagination.

Choose Hoverfly to fly on the island of Capri simply means choose the best way to live an unforgetable experience. Into an Hoverfly’s helicopter you are immediately struck by the luxury and comfort of the seats with VIP interiors and soundproofed.
And with the helicopter, grow up also the emotion because flying you can admire the breathtaking views that only Capri and its Gulf can give you.
By Hoverfly, also, you can book excursions on all the islands of the Gulf, not only Capri but also Procida and Ischia. And to make it more exclusively, we work with absolute level partners such as the J.K. Place Hotel, one of the most luxurious and quality hotels of the island.
Are you ready to go beyond the imagination? Contact us to book your special dream holiday.