Privacy Cookie

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- Cookies information

This Notice broadly describes the practices we have adopted.
This page describes how to manage the site with reference to the processing of personal data of users who consult it. The processing is always based on principles of lawfulness and correctness in compliance with all current regulations and suitable security measures are adopted to protect data. This privacy policy is also given as a brief information pursuant to Article 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 and pursuant to art. 13 GDPR 679/2016 European Regulation on privacy, as well as pursuant to the Provision on cookies n. 229 of 8 May 2014, the intention being to inform site visitors about the use of the data entered and the cookies used by the site itself. The information is also provided pursuant to Recommendation no. 2/2001 adopted by the Working Group established by art. 29 of the directive n. 95/46 / EC. to those who interact with the web services of this site, in order to protect personal data, accessible electronically from the address: By using any of our services and / or accepting this Policy, for example as part of registering for one of our services, you consent to the collection and use of Personal Information as described in this Policy.

1- The Data Controller is the natural or legal person, the public authority, the service or other body which, individually or together with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data. It also deals with safety profiles.
2- With regard to this website, the Data Controller is Dr. Saturnino De Cecco administrator and legal representative p.t. of Hoverfly s.r.l., email:;

The data controller is the natural or legal person, the public authority, the service or other body that processes personal data on behalf of the Data Controller.
Pursuant to art. 28 of the EU Reg. 679/2016, the Data Processor of the site, expressly appointed by the Data Controller, is Mr. Francesco Troilo who can be contacted at the following email address:

The data will be processed by the data controller or by the Data Processor and / or his appointees at its registered office and operational headquarters.

In every occasion of contact or interaction with the guest and in all other aspects of our work, we can collect personal information. This personal information may include: your contact information; information about personal characteristics, nationality, passport number and date and place of issue; travel history; payment information, such as your payment card number and other card information, as well as authentication information and other billing and account details related to electronic invoicing; preferences, with prior written consent, of the guest; preferences, with prior written consent, regarding marketing and communication; as well as relating to your booking.
- Collection at the property:
We collect additional personal information during registration / check-in at our local unit, including information required by local laws.

We may also collect information about you from third parties, including information from our partners (travel agencies, airlines, hotels, payment cards) and other partners; from social media services in line with your settings on these services; and from third party sources. We can add this information to what we already have in the archive and share it with others on the basis of what is established in this Notice.

The data processing pursues the following purposes:
a) management of customer relations
 management of reservations, issuing of invoices, quotes;
 perform any contractual obligations;
 management of disputes and compliance with regulatory obligations, in particular accounting and tax ones;
b) management of the service:
- sending, subject to your written consent, promotional offers on our services and updates on the rates and offers made as well as greetings by ordinary mail or by fax or email;
- process, with prior written consent, the so-called data. sensitive by you voluntarily transmitted in order to offer a better level of hospitality on our flights.
c) electronic receipt program
We can automatically subscribe to our electronic receipt program and use your email address to send you the initial quote as well as the passenger transport invoice. It is your responsibility to ensure that the e-mail address in our possession is the correct (and preferred) one. Where you make a reservation for another person using your email address, the electronic receipt for that person will be sent to your email address.
We can use your e-mail address to send you, with prior written consent, our newsletters, our best wishes for the holidays.

The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols. This information is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified.
This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the site, the URI (Uniform resource Identifier) ​​addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error ...) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user's computer environment.
These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and to check its correct functioning and are deleted immediately after processing.
The data could also be used to ascertain responsibility in the event of hypothetical computer crimes against the site.

For the purposes referred to in point a) above, in case of booking for a helicopter transport, the provision of data is mandatory and failure to provide them may make it impossible to obtain what is requested.
For the purposes referred to in points b) and c) above, the provision of data is optional and does not prevent the provision of the requested service.

Pursuant to European Regulation 679/2016 (GDPR) and national legislation, the User can, according to the methods and within the limits established by current legislation, exercise the following rights:
- request confirmation of the existence of personal data concerning him (right of access art 15);
- know its origin;
- receive intelligible communication;
- have information about the logic, methods and purposes of the processing;
- request the updating, rectification (Article 16), integration, cancellation (Article 17), transformation into anonymous form, blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including those no longer necessary for the prosecution of purposes for which they were collected;
- exercise the right to data portability (Article 20), right to object to the automated decision-making process of EU Reg. 679/2016 (Article 21), right to limitation of processing (Article 18).
- in cases of consent-based processing, receive only the cost of any support, its data provided to the owner, in a structured and readable form by a data processor and in a format commonly used by an electronic device;
- the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority of the state of residence (Privacy Guarantor - link to the Guarantor page);
- as well as, more generally, to exercise all the rights that are recognized by the current provisions of the law.
Requests should be addressed to the Data Controller.
In the event that the data are processed on the basis of legitimate interests, the rights of the data subjects are guaranteed, in particular the right to object to the processing that can be exercised by sending a request to the data controller.

No data deriving from the web service (therefore navigation data specified above and cookies) is communicated or disseminated (save communication to judicial or police bodies if necessary).
The data are processed by personnel specifically appointed in writing to process the data (administrative staff and persons in charge of relations with the public, including those outside the Company, those in charge of managing IT systems, including those outside the Company who can also perform functions of system administrator and are in in this case, appointed as such, marketing sector personnel also external to the Company, interns, data processors and their collaborators, persons in charge of the specific sector to which a request is addressed, site management personnel also external to the Company) only if the processing is necessary to carry out their duties by carrying out only the operations necessary for the performance of the duties themselves.
They can also be processed by data processors (including companies outside the Company that carry out shipping, marketing, and server management and storage activities). External companies may also process the data through specifically appointed persons in writing who can carry out the same activities and process the data for the same purposes, for which the managers have been appointed by the Data Controller.
The data provided by the user may be disclosed to subjects for whom there is a communication obligation pursuant to the law or a need for communication to assert a just right of the company to the relevant bodies.

The Data is processed for the time necessary to perform the service requested by the User, or required by the purposes described in this document.
The User can always, at any time, request the interruption of the processing or the cancellation and / or limitation of the Data.

The Data Controller does not transfer personal data to third countries or to international organizations.

With reference to Article 23 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 and to art. 6 of the GDPR 679/16, the interested party can revoke the consent at any time.

Definition of cookies
Cookies are small text files that are sent to your computer.
The site in question uses the following types of cookies:
Technical session cookies
The use of so-called session cookies are strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers (consisting of random numbers generated by the server) necessary to allow safe and efficient exploration of the site.
The so-called Session cookies used on this site avoid the use of other IT techniques that are potentially detrimental to the confidentiality of users' browsing and do not allow the acquisition of the user's personal identification data. These cookies are processed electronically.
Additional technical cookies
Hoverfly s.r.l. uses some technical cookies:
- consent cookies. It is the one relating to the cookie that is inserted to register the consent to the use of analytics and / or profiling cookies. You are free to delete the cookie from your computer.
- additional technical cookies. There are additional technical cookies essential for the proper functioning of the website. These cookies allow you to provide the services requested by users and to browse the site using its best performance. This type of cookie cannot be disabled as it is necessary for the site to function properly.
Analytics cookies
This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google, Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses "cookies", which are text files that are placed on your computer to allow the website to analyze how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie on your use of the website (including your IP address) will be transmitted and stored on Google's servers in the United States. Google (independent data controller) will use this information for the purpose of tracking and examining your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and usage. of the Internet. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where this is required by law or where such third parties process the aforementioned information on behalf of Google. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. You can refuse to use cookies by selecting the appropriate setting on your browser, but this may prevent you from using all the features of this website.
How to disable cookies
The customer can also manage cookies through the browser settings. However, deleting cookies from the browser could remove the preferences set for the site.
For more information, you can also visit the specific help page of the web browser you are using:
- Internet Explorer:
- Firefox:
- Safari:
- Chrome:
- Opera:

More information in relation to the processing of Personal Data may be requested at any time from the Data Controller using the contact information.

The Data Controller reserves the right to make changes to this privacy policy at any time by giving notice to Users on this page. Therefore, please consult this page often, referring to the date of the last modification indicated at the bottom. In the event of non-acceptance of the changes made to this privacy policy, the User is required to cease using this Application and may request the Data Controller to remove their Personal Data. Unless otherwise specified.

Our website is aimed at a general public and does not offer services aimed at children. If we discover that a minor has provided us with personal data without parental or guardian permission, we will immediately delete this information.
External links
If pages of this website or sections of our applications contain links to other sites, they are not bound by this Privacy Policy. We recommend reading
carefully the privacy policy available on these external sites and to examine the procedures for the collection, use and disclosure of personal information used by them.

The User's Personal Data may be used for defense by the Owner in court or in the stages leading to its eventual establishment, from abuses in the use of the same or related services by the User.
Following a summons, judicial order or other legal initiative; in order to establish or exercise the rights recognized to us by law; to defend ourselves in the event of legal action against us or for other purposes dictated by law.
The User declares to be aware that the Data Controller may be required to disclose the Data at the request of the public authorities.

This information is prepared in fulfillment of the obligations under Legislative Decree 196/2003 and GDPR 679/16 by art. 10 of the Directive n. 95/46 / EC, as well as the provisions of Directive 2009/136 / EC on the subject of Cookies.
This privacy statement only concerns this website.
Pescara on 07 September 2021.

Administrative Headquarters

Hoverfly s.r.l.
P.I. 01439650688
Via dei Marrucini, 67
65127 Pescara (PE)
+39 3460077470
+39 085 6921848

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Operational Headquarters