
Drone Department

The use of the drone in a wide variety of inspection activities is a valuable contribution to ensuring, in a short time, information and data of the highest accuracy and quality.

The drone's eye inspects, records, analyzes, reaches extreme positions, and makes possible control activities that would be of considerable complexity for humans.

There is no need for platforms, bridges, or scaffolding, just as there is no need to employ human resources for high-risk work situations.
Drone inspection intervention is carried out in total safety with a significant reduction in time and cost.

The high technological content of UAS (Unmanned Aircraft System) ensures high quality of recorded images.

HOVERFLY div. SAM S.R.L. offers data collection and supply services for companies and individuals in various fields:

Our interventions are carried out by professional pilots who are EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency) certified and highly specialized in the use of UAS devices according to current regulations and in full compliance with the rules for the protection of citizens.

HOVERFLY div. SAM S.R.L. operates throughout Italy and performs aerial drone inspections for photo/video data recording related to:
     - inspections
     - building, industrial, and environmental inspections
     - topographic surveys
     - 3D photogrammetric reconstructions
     - plant and infrastructure monitoring
     - advertising material and touristic promotion
     - materials for dissertations in Architecture, Cultural Heritage Conservation, Archaeology
     - video surveillance

Activities that, with the advent of the drone, have led more and more sectors to abandon traditional survey methods.

The result in logistical and economic terms is summarized in 4 advantages:
     - shorter intervention time without the use of bulky means and persons
     - immediate view of possible damage and rapid delivery of data
     - reduced costs
     - increased security 

Drone Department: Leading the Way in Aerial Innovation
Welcome to Hoverfly's Drone Department, where cutting-edge technology meets aerial excellence. Our dedicated team of experts is committed to pushing the boundaries of innovation and delivering high-quality drone solutions for a variety of industries.

Comprehensive Drone Services
At Hoverfly, we offer a comprehensive range of drone services tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients:
Drone Sales and Rentals: Explore our extensive inventory of top-of-the-line drones for sale or rent, including industry-leading models from trusted manufacturers.
Drone Operations: Trust Hoverfly for professional drone operations, including aerial photography, videography, mapping, surveying, and inspection services.
Drone Training: Elevate your skills with our expert-led drone training programs, designed to equip pilots with the knowledge and expertise needed to fly safely and effectively.
Custom Drone Solutions: Partner with Hoverfly to develop custom drone solutions tailored to your specific requirements, whether it's designing a specialized payload or integrating drone technology into existing workflows.

Industry-Leading Expertise
Hoverfly's Drone Department is staffed by a team of seasoned professionals with extensive experience in drone technology and aerial operations. Our experts leverage their industry knowledge and technical expertise to deliver innovative solutions that meet and exceed our clients' expectations.

Investing in the Future: EVTOL Development
Hoverfly is at the forefront of innovation in the drone industry, investing in research and development for the implementation of Electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing (EVTOL) technology. Our commitment to advancing aerial capabilities drives us to explore new horizons and pioneer the future of unmanned aerial vehicles.

Join the Drone Revolution with Hoverfly
Whether you're looking to purchase a drone, hire professional drone services, or enhance your skills through training, Hoverfly's Drone Department has you covered. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your aerial goals.


The use of UAS devices in the civil sector, as well as in the industrial one, represents the most suitable, fast, and cost-effective solution to meet multiple inspection needs, even the most complex ones.

The use of the drone in all verification, maintenance or prevention activities offers the opportunity to intervene quickly and safely, providing results of remarkable precision.

Thus, the possibility of obtaining inspections, aerophotogrammetric surveys, and thermographic filming constitute a new and revolutionary change within control procedures, both ordinary and extraordinary.

HOVERFLY is in charge of recording and providing video-photographic material for:
- inspections
- building and industrial inspections
- topographical surveys and 3D photogrammetric reconstructions
- infrastructure and architectural heritage monitoring

Our clients:
- construction companies
- architects and construction engineers
- maintenance companies of infrastructures and industrial plant-engineering
- installers and maintainers of photovoltaic and wind-power plants

HOVERFLY operates with professional UAS pilots recognized by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and offers the highest quality, on-time services, and competitive prices. 

building and industrial inspections with hoverfly drone
ENVIRONMENTAL with hoverfly drone

This is the most topical and debated issue of recent decades.
Topics such as protection and respect for the environment inevitably require the planning of activities related to monitoring, control, and verification of the state of the land.

In the environmental sector, the use of the drone is an efficient and functional solution for a variety of application areas, including control for illegal construction and landfill sites.
It is used for thermographic filming, topographical surveys, as well as for reconnaissance and natural disaster rescue, and monitoring of rivers and lakes.

HOVERFLY provides its fleet to offer you high quality shooting with quick delivery of data within 48 hours of intervention.

Our clients:
- geology and geotechnical studies
- municipal entities/P.A.
- mountain communities
- associations

All operations are carried out exclusively by operators recognized by the Italian Civil Aviation Authority (ENAC) and covered by full insurance of both vehicles and personnel. 


Images taken by the drone offer exclusive and original viewpoints, snapshots, and sequences with strong visual and emotional impact.

HOVERFLY makes high-quality photo shoots and video footage, ideal for advertising campaigns and tourism promotion.

According to the Client's needs, photo-video material can be provided either "raw" or post-produced.

All drone photo-video capture activities will be carried out by professional UAS pilots recognized by ENAC, the Italian Civil Aviation Authority.

At the beginning of each operation HOVERFLY will check all the conditions required by the regulations for the proper execution of the activities, respecting the safety and privacy of citizens. 

Communication with hoverfly drone
Ispezioni dall'alto with hoverfly drone

HOVERFLY shoots video and photos for the promotion and enhancement of properties. Panoramic shots and photos of exterior details enrich the book with new and evocative content.

In addition, the possibility of checking the condition of the property is also a convenient advantage for condominium managers.
The inspection of roofs, gutters, balconies, or any other part outside the building ensures a quick check and immediate identification of the problem.    


HOVERFLY provides video-photographic material to students or researchers who need to find documentation for dissertations and studies in Architecture, Conservation of Cultural Heritage, Archaeology.
The services of HOVERFLY are also aimed at all private and institutional entities in charge of monitoring, maintenance, and restoration of architectural, artistic, and archaeological heritage.
All materials can be supplied "raw" or post-produced according to the Client's specifications.

To avoid penalties, the flying and filming conditions related to the locations, the areas to be flown over, and the infrastructure to be filmed will be verified before the start of the operation. All scheduled activities are carried out by HOVERFLY using professional drones and UAS operator recognized by the Italian Civil Aviation Authority (ENAC). 

Archeology with hoverfly drone
ENVIRONMENTAL with hoverfly drone

HOVERFLY performs high-quality photo-video acquisition throughout Italy for individuals and companies and P.A. It quickly and punctually provides information and data related to civil, industrial, and environmental drone inspections, monitoring, topographic and thermographic surveys, 3D photogrammetric reconstructions.
Pilots HOVERFLY are professional and regularly recognized by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).



The Public Administration Project combines all the services offered by HOVERFLY in a single "package" through agreements designed "ad hoc" for each reality.
Specifically, HOVERFLY for P.A. deals with:
     - data acquisition aimed at territorial and environmental inspections assisted with a municipal technician;
     - territorial control and surveillance (territorial security);
     - environmental control and surveillance;
     - control and surveillance sensitive targets;
     - control and surveillance for compliance with dec. 81/2008 on road construction sites, real estate etc...
     - emergency management in tune with the "Distaster Menager" in liaison with the COM/COI O.P. room;
     - search and rescue requested by the Public Administration;
     - the realization of audiovisual materials;
     - the management of any emergencies at sea using drones (maritime locations);
     - the management of any emergencies in the mountains using drones (mountain locations)
     - the curation of aerial photographic content intended for the municipality's social pages;
     - surveillance and control of wild animals. 

building and industrial inspections with hoverfly drone

Drone sales
Drone rentals
Professional drone services
Drone operations
Drone training
Custom drone solutions
UAV technology
Unmanned aerial vehicles
Drone expertise
EVTOL development
Aerial innovation
Drone industry leaders
Drone technology advancements
Drone specialists
Drone applications
Drone solutions provider
UAV sales
Drone operations company
Drone training programs
EVTOL research
Drone rental services
UAV rentals
Drone pilots
Drone fleet management
Drone maintenance
EVTOL implementation
Drone consulting
UAV training
Drone fleet solutions
Aerial technology pioneers

Administrative Headquarters

Hoverfly s.r.l.
P.I. 01439650688
Via dei Marrucini, 67
65127 Pescara (PE)
+39 3460077470
+39 085 6921848

Follow Us
Operational Headquarters